Consider the Times


Mountains carved by God's own hand, His imprint left upon this land
Created He, the earth and sky, beauty beheld by every eye
People of so long ago, walked across this land
And now, today, I fly above the wonders of His hand

Wisps of clouds below us, like cotton, shred and torn
Permit a glimpse of whats below this giant bird, airborne
This mountain range is all in white from head to toe in snow
Their vastness still cannot be dimmed, their majesty does show
It looks as though no human life has tread upon that ground
Yet here and there, there's evidence Man's progress is profound
Now the clouds are cotton balls scattered to and fro
These wonders of the universe I'm glad to see and know

These sights I've never seen before just make we want to burst
Rivers, just like giant snakes or something even worse
Serpents end in might forms which are really mountain lakes
The land around seems tossed and torn by mighty force or quakes
The Continental Divide is just below; Pike's Peak is on the right
I'm thoroughly entranced by this mind enhancing flight

It's amazing to see the patch of land a snowstorm chose to christen
A patch of white down on the earth that in the sun does glisten
Fields are plowed in circles, giant dots upon the land
Standing out against the snow, a signature of man
A lot of Colorado is covered deep in snow but now it starts to lessen
As further east we go
A giant patchwork quilt covering the earth
Evidence of God's great plan to prove a human's worth
This country looks so straight and flat with not a hill in sight
Further proof of Heavenly power, and super human might

Lunch was served and eaten with never a greater view
Than God's own panorama parading in review
Although the hunger could have gone unnoticed, without a care
Reconnaissance of the earth below, so swift and unaware

The giant wing just reaches out and makes me feel a part
Of all the power and energy this aircraft does impart
I'd planned to read while on this trip but I seem so much inspired
The words just keep on coming forth as though I must be wired
Perhaps its for the best that instead of read, I write
For I am filled with all His works, the evidence of His might.


We tried to tell you of Jesus of His grace and how He forgives
But you question the truth of His goodness and refuse to believe that He lives
You're living in danger and heartache, with none to depend on but you
If you could acknowledge the Savior He'd save you and make your life new

He renders such peace during trouble He'll make good to come out of strife
His plans don't always match up to our own but His timing is always just right
There's nothing that can't be forgiven, His word to us has revealed
That He's coming real soon for the faithful when the door into heaven's unsealed

We hope you'll repent and be ready to join Him, with us in the sky
but if one day we're not to be found, remember these words told you why
Don't be sad for us when that day comes we'll be singing His praises on high
As the truth settles in all around you we know you'll be tempted to cry

Shed no tears when we're gone, when the rapture has swept us away
Just know then that Jesus is King of all Kings remember the things we did say
Won't you please re-consider?... Don't take a chance with your soul
Let Jesus into your heart now...
today He'll cleanse you and make your life whole.

Photo by Sonny Welsh

This world's going to be in such turmoil
the days of upheaval are near
Don't be left behind with the others
to face tribulation in fear

God tells us to warn of His coming
it may be your very last chance
For soon, one day, we'll just disappear
as quick as a breath or a glance

Consider these words as a warning
Jesus is coming back soon
We know not the day or the hour
it could be tonight or at noon

We want you all to be with us
when Jesus gives that great call
But first you have to surrender
and be willing to give Him your all.

Photo by Kathern Welsh

The earth is shaking, while hearts are breaking
The end is drawing near
Too many mumble and against God, grumble
While Satan sows seeds of fear

The story is told in Revelation
with not too varied interpretation
Earth's in upheaval with no reprieval
God's on His way, so watch and pray

The prophets have told of streets of gold
of valleys so vibrant and green
Of mansions bright, in heavenly light
And choirs of angels that sing.

Photo by Kathern Welsh