Thought Provoking Poetry
Do you know your true identity?
Are you aware of who you really are
Do you think you're just a looser
that you can't hope to get very far?

You're an immortal soul, with an eternal life
a child of the risen king
As a child of royal heritage
He says you'll not want for a thing

Your Father gave His Son for you
long ago upon a cross
And unless you accept His sacrifice
it's counted as a loss

Though Satan is the God of this earth
our Savior provided a choice
If we choose Him and give Him our heart
for eternal life, we'll rejoice

From then on we live on His promise
obedience, of course is the key
If we follow what He's set forth in His Word
our lives will be rich, full and free

His Word says believers have power
to do exploits, all in His name
We all have a purpose for living
no two are completely the same

We need to warn of what Satan is doing
we're anointed to preach to the poor
We were sent to heal and deliver
we just need to choose the right door

Lord, lead me to the door, you'd have me to go through
the one that leads to service, that I can do for you
I'll answer your call, and give you my all
for I know that your Word, Lord, is true!

The Lord will bring us through, His Word says that He will
Just pray and trust in faith and cause the doubts to still
Our breakthrough soon is coming, tomorrow, if not today
He promised to pour out His blessing if we are faithful and pray
His timing may not match our schedule, it may seem that He is too late
But His plan is overall, greater, and His time isn't measured by date.

Do you realize one day we'll be leaving
in the blink of an eye, we'll be gone
In the rapture one day we'll just slip away
and join with the angels in song

That day, dear one, is fast approaching
We know not the day nor the hour
His voice shall ring, as the angels sing
on a white horse He'll proclaim His great power

What will you do when so many
no longer on earth can be found
Remember each word you thought so absurd
and listen to evil's sad sound.

My Drawings:

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